Thursday 1st June : Caldecotte Lake walk and shoot

This Thursday, we are going for a walk around Caldecotte Lake in the south of Milton Keynes.
Meet at the Caldecotte Arms car park, Bletcham Way, Caldecotte, Milton Keynes MK7 8HP at 7:30pm.
Quick Link

Sunset is at 21:13 and sets in a north-westerly direction


North Lake

Approx 1.4 miles around the north lake. Use the map below to find interesting spots for photographs

  • A – Jetty. You may be able to use this to get a nice lead in line to the lake itself. Ry from either side of the jetty, perhaps with a long exposure
  • B – A bird platform, you’ll need a telephoto lens though!
  • C – A weir type thing. Water cascades down into the Ouzel river here. You can see it wind along towards Simpson from the bridge here.
  • D – More concrete, but it offers quite nice views across the lake to the south.
  • E – A higher vantage point over the lake. Use the Windmill as a focal point
  • F – Another clear spot offering views over the lake to the west
  • G – This area is often quieter and more sheltered. Here you’ll find ducks.
  • H – A nice little area here, tall reeds with views towards the west of the windmill
  • I – Another sheltered area with wildfowl and reeds with some steps down to the lake
  • J – A nice little bridge over the water. Ducks and swans are often seen here.
  • K – A nice spot for a sunset shot over the water looking west towards the windmill
  • L – Another little bridge with reeds all around
  • M – A great spot for sunset and it will set directly behind the windmill pub

What to bring

The most important thing is to bring yourself with whatever camera you have. Even a smartphone can capture some lovely images. But, if you have them…

  1. Insect life – You’ll probably want to bring macro lens. There should be plenty to see in this respect.
  2. Birdlife – Bring a telephoto lens if you have one, although there are quite a few goslings and small cygnet around at the moment. Careful though, mum and dad usually aren’t too happy about you getting close.
  3. Landscape – A wider lens would be most suited, something under 35mm full frame equivalent. A tripod would be advisable too if you have one. Also, filters to darken a brighter sky
  4. Portraiture – Why not bring along a few family members for some lovely sunset shots? A flash unit for some fill flash and a portraiture lens (between 50 and 200mm should be lovely)

Interesting facts
The place name is fairly common in England, and is Old English meaning "cold cottage". This refers to a resting place for travellers or other strangers on the road. The original Northampton to London road (modern Brickhill Street) runs nearby, just short of its junction with Watling Street (itself a major route in continuous use since Roman times). The village declined when the Northampton road was rerouted in 1728 through Broughton and Woburn to join the Watling Street at Hockliffe.

Did you know that the lake is famous for the huge skeleton of an Ichthyosaur discovered during the lake’s excavation? Thought to be 150 million years old, the fossilised dinosaur can now be seen at Milton Keynes Central Library.


This coming Thursday (30th July)

This week is the last week of our summer programme for the 2014/2015 season until September when we resume our normal schedule.

We are meeting at 19:00 at the Tree Cathedral at Newlands (near Willen) for a portrait evening.

I've been told (I've not had a chance to recce) that the car park may be closed from 18:00 - so I suggest if you can't park there, to park at Willen Lake and make the short walk over. 

We have model Nix (Purpleport profile: and her partner joining us. Outfits will be "fashion and bohemian" in nature. 

All are welcome to attend, members and non members alike! Come along and meet us if you're interested in photography!

Looking forward to seeing you.