Worldwide Photo Walk - Saturday, October 3, 2015

"We all want to make beautiful images. We all want to make new friends. We all want to help children in need. And for one awesome day each year, all three come together in a really fun way, and we want you to be a part of it."

So says Scott Kelby of his annual photo walk, this year taking place on Saturday October 3rd.

The walks have been taking place for the last 7 years, we even had one in Milton Keynes a couple of years ago, and this years 8th annual photo walk looks to be every bit as exciting as previous walks.

The walks are a chance to meet new people, explore new locations and, more importantly,  to get out and take photos!

There are currently 2 photo walks close to Milton Keynes, one in Oxford and one in Watford.

For more information check out the official website

So that's both the "make beautiful images" and "make new friends" parts covered but what about the "help children in need" part?

Well whilst participating in a walk is free, it's organised and run purely voluntarily, participants are encouraged to make a small donation to Scott's chosen charity and Springs of Hope Kenya is that chosen charity.

So why not get involved?  Head over to the Official Website and find a photo walk in a location that suits you, or even start one yourself if you want to!