The Animal Experience...

As part of trying to give more opportunities to both lesser and more experienced members, we've invested in hiring "The Animal Experience" for the evening.

They will be bringing with them a selection of animals including: an Asian Water Dragon, Jungle Nymphs, A Tarantula, Milkshake, Python, tree Frog, and a Boa Constrictor!

If you want to find out more about The Animal Experience, visit their website.

This is a practical session and as always its success depends on your engagement. Bring your cameras, tripods, flashes, macro lenses, reflectors. Bring any backgrounds, logs, or light tents to have that you may think will be helpful. 

It's fair to say there will be minimal club owned equipment, so the spirit of sharing would be welcome!

In addition, a few members, including myself, are having a clear out. Rather than sending out several emails offering our equipment for sale, I'd like to set up and 'Bring & Buy' table at this and next week's meeting. 

Feel free to add your own stuff to the table and come see if you can get a bargain or see if there is anything 'free to a good home'.